When Monday 28. May 2018 – Sunday 10. June 2018
Where Main building at the Inner City Campus (0501), in the hall between SSZ Service Desk and the "Immatrikulationshalle" (old enrollment hall), Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich

Picture: weseetheworld; elina_lava; James Steidl – stock.adobe.com
With your own photo greeting taken in our FoTUMat you will become part of our anniversary gallery: The FoTUMat works like a digital photo booth. Once you’ve taken your picture, you can send it with your greetings to www.150.tum.de/en/send_greeting.
FoTUMat in Munich:
28 May to 10 June 2018 – Main building at our Inner City Campus (RoomFinder)
All locations and dates:
- Munich: 28 May to 10 June 2018
- Garching: 11 June to 24 June 2018
- Weihenstephan: 25 June to 8 July 2018