Monday 14. May 2018
17:00 - 19:00
Alter Nördlicher Friedhof
Arcisstraße 45
80799 München
Organizer TUM150 Office
Contact jubilaeum@tum.de

Picture: Quentin Saltzmann
This was reason enough to restore not only his tomb at the Old North Cemetery on Arcisstraße, but also the adjacent tomb of Gustav von Schlör, who was Royal Bavarian Trade Minister at the time. The two men initiated and realized the founding of the Hochschule, which later became TUM. Restoration work was made possible by generous backing from the non-profit university support organization “Karl Max von Bauernfeind-Verein zur Förderung der Technischen Universität München e. V.”.
In memory of the TUM founder, his current successor, Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, will join the board members of the support organization to place a wreath on the founder’s tomb. The ceremony will feature musical accompaniment by members of the Symphonisches Ensemble München led by Prof. Felix Mayer. Afterwards a memorial service will be held in the main building, including a talk by Professor Thomas Wunderlich, the fifth person to hold the Chair of Geodesy after Karl Max von Bauernfeind.