Picture: iStock.com / SunforRise
Every contribution counts – so why not support the TUM University Foundation by making a donation? In this way, you can provide long-term, sustainable support to the Technical University of Munich (TUM) with an endowment that will benefit students, researchers and teaching staff both now and in generations to come.
TUM Universitätsstiftung
HypoVereinsbank München AG
IBAN: DE97700202700010280880
Please enter “Zustiftung” (endowment) as your payment reference.
Please use our online form on the TUM network website to set up a debit from your german bank account or to make a donation with your credit card or Paypal.
An endowment is a specific type of donation, which is added to the TUM University Foundation’s capital and thus generates interest for the Foundation to work with. Together with other donors, you will thus be providing long-term, sustainable support for our university.
The German government rewards your commitment to charitable causes by offering tax relief, and this also applies to contributions to the TUM University Foundation. You can claim this as a deduction in your tax return.
If you submit your tax statement in a country other than Germany, please check the local fiscal guidelines.
Which projects or people does the Foundation support? What are its aims? Who else is involved? And are there other ways to support TUM?